Each week we will choose a different location to hike and do an outdoor yoga session instructed by Desirae Ellison! Future spots could include Beauty Mountain, Ram’s Head, Diamond Point, Long Point, and more!
The location will be announced via Instagram and Facebook including a meeting point for carpooling if necessary.
There is a suggested donation of $5-25 that goes towards paying our yoga instructor and 10% of money collected will be donated to the New River Humane Society. 

After the first session we are open to different meeting days/times or location suggestions. If you have questions or feedback, please send us a private message or email us at communityoffayettevillewv@gmail.com! Or follow us on Instagram @townoffayettevillewv!
Bring your own yoga mat if you have it, but for those who do not have one (or do not want to use theirs outdoors) we will provide them! Bring a drink and a snack and whatever else you might need.
See you there!

Date and Time
Monday Jun 17, 2024
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
Every Monday at 5:30 PM
Locations will vary weekly.
Check Town of Fayetteville's Facebook and/or Instagram page for weekly locations.
Suggested $5-$25
10% of money collected will be donated to the New River Humane Society