We are open Thursday, Friday & Saturday only.

Admission is $8 per person. CASH ONLY. No car load price. Age 5 & under are free.

Concessions are cash and card.

Movies start at dusk. (It depends the time of year to what time this will be)

We have portable radios to rent out if you need/want one for any reason. They?re $5 to rent. You must put down $20 deposit to cover if the radio is not returned or if it?s returned damaged. Once the radio is returned in good working condition, you will get $15 back.

Gates open at 7pm.

You can sit outside of your vehicle in chairs or on blankets.

If you have lights on your vehicle that won?t turn off, we ask that you park on the outer edge of the row away from other vehicles.

Movies are decided at the beginning of each week. As soon as we know which movies will be playing they will be posted on here as well as our website.

As long as we have power - the movies will play. Rain or shine.

Gates close at 11pm. If you are only coming for the second movie, please be there before 11.